BosHome Weather at Mallards Landing Airpark Locust Grove, GA

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Temp Change:
0.0°/ hr
16°/ 24 hr
High: 67° 
Low: 66° 



About BosWx Pages



John and Janna Bos reside in Locust Grove, GA. These weather observations are taken at their home at the Mallard's Landing Airpark, a fly-in community subdivision. Weather sensors have been calibrated using National Weather Service reference instruments.
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A Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station is poised at the runway windsock near their home. The Weather Monitor is linked to the home computer and utilizes Virtual Weather Station software to generate these weather displays.

Data displayed on these pages is updated on a continuous basis and most information should be less than ten minutes old. Be sure to use your browser refresh feature to assure most current postings.

Data indicating highs and lows are for the 24 hour calendar day. Trend indicators are rate of change over a one hour period. Graphs indicate charted data for the previous 24 hours or 7 days. All temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit.

Thank you for visiting our page. We hope you find the information useful and entertaining. Please let us know how you like the weather information display. Email John with your comments; jdbosman at